What are the Unique Opportunities and Challenges in Designing High-Density in Europe?

Javier Quintana de Uña
Chief Executive Officer
IDOM, Chicago

Diederik Dam
Architectural and Urban Designer
Dam & Partners Architecten, Amsterdam

Nayla Mecattaf
Architect, CEO & Co-Founder
Cro&Co Architecture, Paris

Astrid Piber
Partner & Senior Architect
UNStudio, Amsterdam

David Seel
Managing Director - Europe, Middle East, USA
Surbana Jurong Pte. Ltd., London

Awash with historical landmarks, heritage façades, and their related height-restrictions, building skyscrapers in European cities has always required a nuanced approach, one which creatively examines context and endeavors to offer benefits to the surrounding community. Thus, the most successful projects deftly incorporate existing structures, which both helps new and extended buildings blend into their surroundings, while also supporting the dynamic populations of Europe’s growing cities. This discussion examines strategies and insights about navigating these considerations across Europe.

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